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Coffee makers, espresso machines

The best way to start our day is with a cup of coffee that will give us the energy we need to get on with our tasks. Fortunately, there are now many types of coffee makers from brands such as Delonghi that can make more than just a cup of black coffee. Some coffee makers can even grind beans or brew iced coffee. 

Below are just a few of the types of coffee makers that deserve space on your counter.  

Capsule coffee makers.

Capsule coffee makers are handy coffee machines that will have you having a wonderful cup of coffee in no time. All you have to do is insert the Espresso or Nespresso capsule, fill the espresso machine's reservoir with water and then simply press the start button. This way, only the required amount of coffee is prepared.

Pod coffee makers.

The main difference between pods and capsules is the amount of coffee they contain. Pods can hold up to 15 grams, while capsules can hold up to 7 grams. So if you want a stronger coffee, they're ideal. 

These are automatic coffee makers with pivoting filter holders. What's more, you'll have more options, as there's a wide range of capsules available.

Percolator coffee makers.

This type of coffee maker is considered retro because it's an old-fashioned design that's still popular after all these years, especially among people who prefer a strong cup of coffee. The percolator coffee maker is a coffee-making device that resembles a kettle, and requires a heating source, either electric or external such as a burner or flame. 

In this type of coffeemaker, the hot water flows more than once, making the infusion stronger.

Coffee makers with a bean grinder.

Coffee makers with a bean grinder can transform whole coffee beans into a smaller size thanks to the built-in grinder, making them easier to prepare. It's up to you to choose the setting to suit your taste, whether thick, medium or fine, after selecting high-quality coffee beans suitable for grinding. After that, you can prepare them as you like and enjoy a hot, fresh cup of coffee. 

If you enjoy a good cup of coffee, then it might be a good idea to invest in a good full auto coffee maker. You can find many cheap coffee makers in different brands like Dolce Gusto that are of high quality. 

With our automatic coffee makers, you can enjoy all types of coffee in no time at all. So take a look at our collection of top-of-the-range coffee makers and choose the one that best suits your needs and tastes.

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