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Alarm clock radios

To start the day in the best possible way, we should choose the right alarm clock that we can rely on and that has a lot to offer other than just waking us up. 

Electric clock radios have come a long way and there are now several types and models with useful features and different designs.

We'll take a look at some of the most popular types and their features.

Connected alarm clocks

The connected alarm clock doesn't just limit itself to its main role, which is to wake us up on time, but it also uses new technologies to ensure that the user gets the quality rest they need by monitoring their sleep using sensors, microphones and speakers. Connected electric clock radios also use Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to provide many useful functions.

Projector clock radio

As well as waking the user up, the projector clock radio can project the time on the ceiling or wall so they don't have to turn around to find out what time it is. 

This is a useful feature and there are many models of this type with a variety of designs and projections. The best models on the market are the Sony with its elegant design and quality projection and the Muse projector alarm clock radios.

Dawn simulator alarm clocks

For better sleep quality and a healthy circadian rhythm, users should opt for a dawn simulator alarm clock. This type is designed to simulate dawn or natural light so that you can enjoy the benefits of morning exposure to the sun, which include increased serotonin levels and regular sleep. 

Some offer pleasant light colours, such as Metronic's dawn simulating electric clock radios.

The snooze function

The electric clock radio has a very useful function that we all need from time to time, which is the "snooze" function. When this function is used, the alarm clock will stop ringing and give the user around 10 minutes extra sleep before ringing again. 

Most brands of electric clock radios, such as Thomson, offer this function so that the user can get a few extra minutes of sleep without being late.

Get your own electric clock radio at the best price! 

It's time to get your day off to a good start by visiting our electric clock radio section and choosing the model that has all the functions to meet your specific needs. You're sure to find the right electric clock radio at the best price and of the highest quality.