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Baby monitor

The hardest thing for parents is undoubtedly not being able to keep a constant eye on their children. This fear is often multiplied by ten when it comes to a baby. Fortunately, with simple little devices like a baby monitor, this problem is a thing of the past! 

What are they, and what models are currently on the market? Read on to find out more!

Audio baby monitor

Listening to your baby from anywhere in the house is one of the advantages of an audio baby monitor.

As the name suggests, this gadget helps you receive any sound coming from your baby's room. Place the transmitter on your child and the receiver close to you and you'll be able to hear everything, including his or her own cries or any suspicious noises. So you can go about your daily chores while keeping an eye on your baby's sleep.

Video baby monitor

If listening to your child from a distance can be an excellent solution for peace of mind, just imagine if you could also see him! 

A baby monitor with a camera has a clear advantage over the audio model because it helps you receive an image as well as sound! It's an even more effective way of keeping an eye on your little one. So you won't have to go back and forth to his room to find out what he's doing or how he's doing! Why not try out a Vtech product, just to see what it can do? You'll be delighted!

Smartphone-connected baby monitor

A baby monitor connected to a Smartphone is something we really should have thought of, especially as it can be a very useful trick. Of course, the principle is much the same as with conventional baby monitors, except that this one is connected to your mobile phone. 

This is the case with the Motorola wifi baby phone, which connects to your Smartphone to give you continuous monitoring of your child's environment wherever you are in the house. 

Movement and sound baby monitor

A movement and sound baby monitor is equipped with a system capable of detecting baby's movements across the entire surface of the mattress. It will alert you as soon as your baby stops moving for 20 seconds.

This is, of course, in addition to the sound detector, which lets you listen to any noises made by the baby or another source close to where he or she is.

By relying on a device like the babymoov, you'll always know if your little one is safe, so you can intervene if necessary.  

Wireless baby monitor

For baby's safety, it's best to use a low-wave baby monitor. Not only will you be able to monitor everything that's going on around him, but you won't have to worry about the harmful effects of the waves emitted by the device, because they're really very low!

The Nanny Care Wireless Video Babyphone is one of the best in this category. It's safe, effective and, above all, practical. Try it out and you'll see!

Babyphone with temperature

Philips Avent Babyphone is one of the most popular baby monitors among young parents. They're particularly fond of it because it measures the ambient temperature and also has a built-in lullaby, a scrolling zoom and an energy-saving mode.

It also has an automatic day and night display!

This type of baby monitor is a real godsend, as it allows you to make the most of your early maternity or paternity years.

With a baby monitor, it's out of the question for you to spend your time between baby's bedroom and the kitchen or living room. 

Are you convinced by our presentation? Don't hesitate to buy a low-cost baby monitor. It'll be your best ally for years to come, at least throughout your children's first years! Put your trust in it and you'll see what it can do for you!