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Smart TV and Connected TV

Smart TVs have been around for years, but these days they're much more advanced. With the development of streaming services, Connected TVs have changed by adding new features and enabling a better experience. This type of TV is available in many categories, such as Android TV, because they are manufactured by different brands.

Let's find out what a Smart TV is, its benefits and how you can choose the best one.

What is a Smart TV?

Older types of TV could only use an HDTV aerial or cable to operate and display content. This made them very limited. Thanks to Smart TVs, this is no longer a problem, thanks to the many advanced features they offer. 

Connected TVs have impressive and powerful processors and can be connected to your Wi-Fi, making them like any other smart device you're used to, such as your phone or tablet. 

Smart TVs can also provide fast and efficient access to a wide range of apps and streaming services. This will make it much easier to stream all kinds of content, as well as playing video games and using social networks. 

Some connected TVs have even more impressive features. Panasonic TVs, for example, have a very useful feature called "My Home Screen 4.0" that lets you quickly access all your frequent and recent content, as well as personalise your home screen. In addition, other Smart TVs offer voice recognition tools, such as those made by LG.

Why buy a Smart TV?

Having a Smart TV is becoming more and more common, and for good reason! 

There are many benefits to buying a Connected TV thanks to its excellent features. Here's a list of some of the best benefits: 

  1. Smart TVs are easy to install: You can install them anywhere. In fact, all they need is a plug and a Wi-Fi connection. 
  2. Connected TVs allow for fast streaming: in addition to regular channels, you'll also have access to endless options of streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max, and more. What's more, some brands such as Samsung Smart TV can even give you access to more content such as music using Spotify and many video games.
  3. You can access internet browsers: use the Smart TV to surf the web for a variety of purposes such as checking the weather. The voice recognition tool can make this even more convenient. 

There are other interesting features that Connected TVs can offer you, such as high definition and advanced sound technology.

How do I choose the right connected TV?

When it comes to buying a Smart TV, there are many things you should consider. There are several types and brands, which can make the decision-making process a little complicated. To help you, here's a list of the main factors to consider: 

  1. Your budget: you can find a quality connected TV for almost any budget, but the higher the price, the more features. So decide in advance which features are essential for you and set your budget accordingly. For example, if you want a Smart TV that can easily connect to other smart devices, then Smart Tv Tizen is worth choosing.
  2. Size: the size of the connected TV you want to buy should depend on the dimensions of the room you plan to install it in. There are many different sizes of Smart TV, and they vary from brand to brand. Toshiba, for example, offers sizes ranging from 109 to 165 centimetres.
  3. Resolution: Most Smart TVs are available in : 1080p, 4K and 8K.  Connected TVs in 4K or Ultra HD like those offered by Thomson are a good choice.

Smart TVs are the best and most convenient way to watch all types of content and access different platforms in comfort and in high resolution. With us, you can find all types of cheap Connected TVs that are available in different sizes, resolutions and offer many advanced features. So be sure to take a look at the collection we offer and choose the one that best suits your needs.

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